The Post's Howard Kurtz reports the Tuesday night dinner at George Will's house included Larry Kudlow, Charles Krauthammer, Bill Kristol, David Brooks, Paul Gigot, Peggny Noonan and Michael Barone.
Perhaps Obama's charm is working, as New Republic's Michael Crowley says "it buys him some pulled punches."
Other comments:
"He's making good on his promise to reach out to Republicans and conservatives and this post-partisan stuff, whatever that means," Kudlow said. "I was very impressed. He's a nice guy, terribly smart, well-informed, great smile. He just really engaged. He said he likes to know the arguments on all sides."
Barone called Obama "an attractive person in a small setting. It's harder to hate someone you've had close contact with and who has pleasant characteristics."
To spread the love, Obama visited with 11 liberal pundits on Wednesday, including Eugene Robinson, Maureen Dowd, Frank Rich, E.J. Dionne, Rachel Maddow and Andrew Sullivan. No word if David Brooks made this event, also.
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