(So THIS is what spreading the wealth around looks like?)
Obama economic adviser Robert Reich lobbied for President Obama's use of much of the proposed economic stimulus package for "infrastructure" projects - new roads, buildings, and bridges -- but in order to insure there is a "social return," Reich warned that the funds must be kept away from "white male contractors" or those who are "highly skilled."
Reich, who served as Bill Clinton's Secretary of Labor, is a member of the new President's economic transition advisory board.
Totally unrelated but titillating nevertheless, the 4' 10" Mr. Reich, who is a Rhodes scholar and Yale Law School Grad, has acknowledged that he dated Hillary Rodham when they were both in college, for what it's worth (No photos of the event are available).
Michelle Malkin has more on Mr. Reich's remarks on the stimulus here. Reich's remarks are also detailed by World Net Daily here.
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